Annual General Meeting
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM Regina Girl Guide Hall 1530 Broadway Ave Regina, SK S4P 1E2
Regina & District Labour Council Annual General Meeting Saturday June 1, 2024
Greetings Sister, Brothers and Friends,
Please find attached Registration for the Regina & District Labour Council Annual General Meeting (AGM) Package. We ask that full contact information along with emails for registered delegate be legible on the registration form, so that we can ensure each member from Affiliated Union receive AGM information.
The Annual General Meeting will be Saturday June 1, 2024
- Continental Breakfast Provided: 8:00 am
- Registration: 8:30 am
- Call to Order: 9:00 am
- Where: Regina Girl Guide Hall, 1530 Broadway Ave, Regina, SK
You will find attached your credentials and registration for the Annual General Meeting. Each affiliated Local is entitled to four (4) delegates for your first 100 members and one (1) delegate for each additional 100 members. Please consider members who would like to participate as a Vice Presidents to our Executive for the following:
- 2SLGBTQI+ Vice President,
- Worker with Disability Vice President,
- Worker of Colour Vice President,
- Indigenous Vice President
Please register your members who would be interested in these positions.
AGM Documents
- AGM Delegage Entitlement
- AGM Resolution Form
- RDLC Past Presidents
- AGM Delegate Credential & Registration
There may be some proposed changes to our Constitution and including a number of financial items and passing of budget.
If your Local Union is planning to attend or send delegates; please ensure that your Local per cap dues are paid up for the previous year, which would be 2023 in full, no later than two weeks prior to the AGM, which would be May 18, 2024.
As per the RDLC Constitution on alternating years, elections for President, Secretary and Treasurer are held; this year the position of President is up for election, this will be for a two year term.
Thank you for your support for the last six years.
Shobna P. Radons